Materials: US 10.5 Circular needles for working in the round. 1 Skein or bulky weight yarn 4 Stitch markers yarn needle for weaving in ends
Instructions: CO 50 sts and work in k1tbl, p1 ribbing for 5 rounds Increase 2 sts evenly by *M1, K25* two times. (52 sts total)
Begin lace pattern repeats:
1: *K1,YO, SSK, K7, K2tog, YO, K1* Repeat for rest of round 2: Knit all 3: *K2, YO, SSK, K5, K2tog, YO, K2*
4: Knit all 5: *K3, YO, SSK, K3, K2tog, YO, K3* 6: Knit all 7: *K4, YO, SSK, K1, K2tog, YO, K4*
8: Knit all
Repeat lace pattern two more times (3 lace repeats total)
Set up round for decreases: *K2tog, K9, SSK, PM* Repeat to end of round
Begin Decreases: 1: *K2tog, Knit to 2 sts before marker, SSK, Slm* 2: Knit all Repeat rounds 1 & 2 until 12 sts remain. Cut 6” tail and weave through live sts and pull to draw closed. Attach pom pom with tail if desired and weave in ends.